On Sat, 17 Nov 2012, Gary Aitken wrote:

On 11/16/12 21:38, Warren Block wrote:
On Fri, 16 Nov 2012, Gary Aitken wrote:

On 11/16/12 12:10, Warren Block wrote:

Additional SSD suggestions: when creating partitions, leave out the swap
partition.  If you have lots of memory, leave out the /tmp partition. Add
that extra space to the /usr partition.

Format the UFS filesystems with -Ut, for soft updates and TRIM support.
(Make sure your SSD supports TRIM, almost all do.)  (I don't use soft
updates journaling.)

Use dd(1) to make a zero-filled file on /usr somewhere, say /usr/swap.
Make it the size you want swap to be, and do not make it a sparse file.
Tell the system to use the swapfile in /etc/rc.conf:


Use tmpfs for /tmp in /etc/fstab:

   tmpfs        /tmp    tmpfs    rw,mode=01777    0    0

When using the above in /etc/fstab to establish a tmp file,
how does the size of /tmp get established?
Is it limited only by the available swap,
or is it possible to put an upper bound on it that is smaller than swap?

It's free VM, which should be available RAM plus available swap. Yes, you can easily limit the maximum size:

  tmpfs   /tmp   tmpfs   rw,mode=01777,size=1073741824   0   0

Untested, but I think that's correct.

There was a nice Sun white paper by Peter Snyder on tmpfs. It's linked on the Wikipedia tmpfs page, but Oracle has broken the link. Google has a rendered version of a PostScript copy (long URL):
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