On 2012.11.18 09:58, Gary Kline wrote:
>       I probably should cc the hardward guys about this.  first, see if it
>       geta  any traction here, tho.  my tech guy got me a Delll 3010
>       that has an "improved" [[meaning screwed up]] BIOS with some 
>       hardware mess called the UEFI.
>       Trying to get ssh to work *bi-directionally* i royally f'ked up my
>       installation for well over 27 hours.  ssh still fails to connect going
>       in to my "new tao"; but this time I know what to avoid.  my 
>       question is simple: of what use is this new/improved POS setup?
>       im sure its the same for every flavor of unix. my view is that it
>       mjust makes using non-windozw that much more painful. 
>       gary


UEFI is more than a modified BIOS, it's something to get rid of the BIOS
altogether. It's the x86 BIOS that arguably deserves much more to be
called a screwed up POS, as it carries with it 30 years worth of legacy
weirdness, kludges to go around them in modern systems, and a whole
catalog of vendor-specific bugs and non-compliant implementations. UEFI
was designed to solve a bunch of problems for manufacturers and advanced
users, I'm not so sure that it deserves so much heat.

What I'm sure of, is that there's no relationship between your new
machine's UEFI and your ssh issues.

I'm also sure that this has nothing to do with FreeBSD.

Best of luck getting your work done on your new machine.
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