On 22/11/2012 14:51, Fbsd8 wrote:
> Since pkg is being replaced by pkgng in Release 10.0 I would like to get
> head start by playing with it on my 9.0 system.


> Where can I find a write up about installing and using pkgng?

If you start from http://wiki.freebsd.org/pkgng (which has quite a bit
of information in its own right) there are links to a number of articles
where people describe their experiences with pkgng.

> Have all the pkg packages been converted to pkgng format and are they
> being kept up to date?

Ah.  Now, there you have zeroed in on the biggest stumbling point at the
moment.  There are binary packages available, but only from the
beta-test server, and they aren't necessarily updated promptly, nor is
there a guarantee that every package you want might will be available.
Almost all ports will work just fine with pkgng -- the few exceptions
really are in need of fixing in any case; it's just that pkg_tools lets
you get away with things that pkgng doesn't.

Most people testing pkgng at the moment are building their own package
sets -- poudriere is a popular choice for doing that -- and setting up
their own private repositories.

There should have been official FreeBSD pkgng repos available 'Real Soon
Now' -- recent events have put the schedule back significantly, and
everyone is primarily concerned with doing it right rather than doing it
quickly.  So, please wait patiently for an announcement.  It will
happen, even if it does seem an interminable wait.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.

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