On Sun, 2012-11-25 at 00:27 +0100, Polytropon wrote:
> I meant the "really manual mode" (CLI) as to be seen in
> Fig. 3-10, named "Shell" (that's why the confusion, sorry).
> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/bsdinstall-partitioning.html

"Manually Create Partitions" doesn't work. The MD5sum for the ISO was ok
and the burned DVD was verified.

I did not test "Shell" until now and it's to late to search and read a

When startup finished I push enter > Install > keyboard: German
ISO-8859-1 > hostname: freebsd > [*] doc, games, lib32, ports, src >
Guided Partitioning > Select the disk on which to install FreeBSD: ada0
> Partition (not "Entire Disk") >

Continuing doesn't work, or I don't know what to do. FWIW, I'll use MBR
and if possible / only.


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