On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 2:50 PM, Juergen Lock <n...@jelal.kn-bremen.de>wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 10:30:36PM -0800, Waitman Gobble wrote:
> > Hi,
> Hi!
> >
> > A girl sent me her CD and it appears that she created a mixed mode
> > disc with CD-TEXT info of her lyrics. I can't recall playing/noticing
> > such a disc in the past 10 years so I'm at a loss.
> >
> > I can dump the audio tracks (cdda2wav) and/or play the audio disc with
> mplayer.
> >
> > Anyone with a pointer on how to get at the CD-TEXT info? ie, read the
> > lyrics. THANKS!
> >
>  If the lyrics are really cd-text maybe cdrdado read-cd can read them:
>         http://www.freshports.org/sysutils/cdrdao
> At least I've seen cd-text records in the toc files it produces...
>  HTH, :)
>         Juergen
> >
> > # cd-info /dev/cd0
> > cd-info version 0.83 amd64-portbld-freebsd9.0
> > CD location   : /dev/cd0
> > CD driver name: FreeBSD
> >    access mode: CAM
> >
> > Vendor                      : hp
> > Model                       : CDDVDW SN-208BB
> > Revision                    : HH01
> > Hardware                                  : CD-ROM or DVD
> > __________________________________
> >
> > Disc mode is listed as: CD-ROM Mixed
> > CD-ROM Track List (1 - 12)
> >   #: MSF       LSN    Type   Green? Copy? Channels Premphasis?
> >   1: 00:02:00  000000 audio  false  no    2        no
> >   2: 03:51:30  017205 audio  false  no    2        no
> >   3: 08:25:73  037798 audio  false  no    2        no
> >   4: 13:10:19  059119 audio  false  no    2        no
> >   5: 17:19:00  077775 audio  false  no    2        no
> >   6: 22:24:01  100651 audio  false  no    2        no
> >   7: 27:24:54  123204 audio  false  no    2        no
> >   8: 32:41:17  146942 audio  false  no    2        no
> >   9: 37:41:26  169451 audio  false  no    2        no
> >  10: 40:48:05  183455 audio  false  no    2        no
> >  11: 44:18:38  199238 audio  false  no    2        no
> >  12: 51:36:41  232091 data   false  no
> > 170: 51:42:43  232543 leadout (521 MB raw, 518 MB formatted)
> > Media Catalog Number (MCN): 0000000000000
> > TRACK  1 ISRC: 000000000000
> > TRACK  2 ISRC: 000000000000
> > TRACK  3 ISRC: 000000000000
> > TRACK  4 ISRC: 000000000000
> > TRACK  5 ISRC: 000000000000
> > TRACK  6 ISRC: 000000000000
> > TRACK  7 ISRC: 000000000000
> > TRACK  8 ISRC: 000000000000
> > TRACK  9 ISRC: 000000000000
> > TRACK 10 ISRC: 000000000000
> > TRACK 11 ISRC: 000000000000
> > TRACK 12 ISRC: 000000000000
> > Last CD Session LSN: failed
> > audio status: no status
> > volume level port 0: 216 (0..255)  84 (0..100)
> > volume level port 1: 216 (0..255)  84 (0..100)
> > volume level port 2:   0 (0..255)   0 (0..100)
> > volume level port 3:   0 (0..255)   0 (0..100)
> > __________________________________
> > CD Analysis Report
> > Audio CD, CDDB disc ID is 9f0c1c0c
> > ++ WARN: command data missing
> > cd-info: Found 0 matches in CDDB
> >
> > CD-TEXT for Disc:
> >       PERFORMER: Anomie Belle
> >       TITLE: sleeping patterns
> > CD-TEXT for Track  1:
> >       PERFORMER:
> >       TITLE: down
> > CD-TEXT for Track  2:
> >       PERFORMER:
> >       TITLE: how can i be sure
> > CD-TEXT for Track  3:
> >       PERFORMER:
> >       TITLE: american view
> > CD-TEXT for Track  4:
> >       PERFORMER:
> >       TITLE: john q public
> > CD-TEXT for Track  5:
> >       PERFORMER:
> >       TITLE: cascade
> > CD-TEXT for Track  6:
> >       PERFORMER:
> >       TITLE: greenhouse
> > CD-TEXT for Track  7:
> >       PERFORMER:
> >       TITLE: bedtime stories
> > CD-TEXT for Track  8:
> >       PERFORMER:
> >       TITLE: before you leave me
> > CD-TEXT for Track  9:
> >       PERFORMER:
> >       TITLE: february sun
> > CD-TEXT for Track 10:
> >       PERFORMER:
> >       TITLE: dox amsterdam
> > CD-TEXT for Track 11:
> >       PERFORMER:
> >       TITLE: amy song
> > CD-TEXT for Track 12:
> > CD-Plus/Extra
> > session #2 starts at track 12, LSN: 232091, ISO 9660 blocks: 232190
> > ISO 9660: 232190 blocks, label `SLEEPING_PATTERNS_LYRICS        '
> >
> >
> >
> > Something strange, sleeve lists 11 tracks. 12 is identified as data. if
> i try
> > # mplayer -cdrom-device /dev/cd0 cdda://12
> > MPlayer SVN-r35192-4.6.4 (C) 2000-2012 MPlayer Team
> >
> > Playing cdda://12.
> > Found audio CD with 12 tracks.
> >
> > ...It sits there for a really, really long time, possibly waiting
> > until the end of time (but I bailed).
> > however, when I use cdda2wav to dump all the tracks I get 12 wav files.
> >
> > # mplayer audio_12.wav
> > plays a recording of a telephone operator saying "press 9" over and
> > over again like 50 times maybe.
> > which is odd because info claims it's txt (?) and i can't ...
> >
> >
> > Thank you,
> > Waitman Gobble
> > San Jose California
> > _______________________________________________
> > freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
> > http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-questions
> > To unsubscribe, send any mail to "
> freebsd-questions-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"
> >
> >


Tonight I experimented with cdrdao.

And now I think I've messed up on the terminology. As I believe I have come
to understand, The song titles are from 'CD-TEXT' which are being read and
displayed. It wasn't actually a problem. AFAIK This album is not listed in
cddb, so the only place it could get the info if from the CD-TEXT data.

But the 'lyrics file' is in a 'partition' which is 'CD+' or 'CD-PLUS' or
'CD-EXTRA'. Which I now understand to be an 'extra' filesystem used to
store data. I probably knew this stuff ten years ago.

Indeed I _should_ be able to mount the disc, but apparently that's where
I'm getting errors.

I think it's probably good to throw the disc in another machine, I have a 9
box available to test - and see if maybe it's a driver problem on this
notebook computer running 10.

Waitman Gobble
San Jose California USA
press 510-830-7975 to speak
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