On Sat, 15 Dec 2012 17:25:17 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Sat, 2012-12-15 at 13:11 +0100, Polytropon wrote:
> > Mixing PBI and ports/packages is possible, but discouraged.
> I read about it, but don't understand the issue.
> If I never ever would use PBI again but ports/packages only in the
> future, it still would cause issues? The port directory isn't empty.

As far as I know, this wouldn't be a problem on PC-BSD,
as long as you don't deal with applications that are
already installed. I don't know if PBI properly interoperates
with ports and packages as there are many things to
consider: package lists, directory structures and
locations, and software databases.

> I installed PC-BSD 8.2, regarding to the issues to partition, when I
> started with FreeBSD 9.0,
> http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-multimedia/2012-December/013680.html
>  .
> Manually downloading and installing is ok as a workaround, but in the
> end everything should work without workarounds.

There is also a CLI utility to avoid the unpleasant
process of fiddling with a web browser and holding
the wizard's hand during installation. :-)

> So PC-BSD isn't really FreeBSD ;)? I asked before I installed it ;) and
> it was said, that it is FreeBSD ;).

Not quite. PC-BSD is "FreeBSD _and_", which means that the
core of the system is FreeBSD, but it gets some special
features such as the PBI installer and the integration
and preconfiguration of the KDE desktop. It also has a
custom installer. This implies that there are few things
that could be called "incompatibilities", but that harsh
word doesn't fit well. PC-BSD can be considered a FreeBSD
"derivate" (again, doesn't fit well) for easier desktop (!)
installation, with the recommendation to use its native
tools (instead of the FreeBSD native tools), like "stay
in your garage and use _your_ tools, not mine". :-)

> However, since I've got my Linux for work, I don't depend on BSD. I can
> spend some time to get BSD working :), OTOH I don't have much time to do
> the same things again and again + I have to avoid that working on BSD
> might damage my Linux installs or data.

Unless you're doing something stupid (TM) with partitions,
there shouldn't be any problem. It's not that some background
process overwrites the partition table without anyone noticing... :-)

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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