On 21 Dec 2012, at 18:51, Fbsd8 <fb...@a1poweruser.com> wrote:

> Fleuriot Damien wrote:
>> On Dec 21, 2012, at 2:36 PM, Fbsd8 <fb...@a1poweruser.com> wrote:
>>> When issuing the uname -r command what are the different values possible to 
>>> expect?
>>> So far I have this list.
>>> Where X.X = major release . Sub release numbers
>>> Where y = number 1 through 9
>>> X.X-BETAy
>>> X.X-RCy
>>> X.X-RELEASE-py
>> mybsd dam  ~
>> $ uname -r
>> 8.2-STABLE
> How did you create this 8.2-STABLE system?
> I don't see any .iso file for 

Instructions given already by Devin.

Basically, STABLE is a good compromise between running the latest version 
(10-CURRENT if you're on 9, or 9.x if you're on 8), and running a RELEASE that 
gets updated very slowly.

I've never had bad surprises with STABLE and encourage running it instead of 
RELEASE if you want the latest patches.

Note that on occasion, STABLE will be replaced by BETA or RC.

For example 8.2-STABLE became 8.3-RC1 at some point, then 8.3-RC1 ceased to 
exist altogether and was renamed to 8.3-STABLE (discounting any other release 
candidates here).

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