Dear list, I checked the file /usr/ports/UPDATING and there is noted 20121218 for icu to execute the command: portmaster -w -r icu
(my system is already on pkgng as described a in the UPDATING file, 20121015). If I execute now portmaster i get the following error message: ************************* ===>>> icu- 1/1 ===>>> Currently installed version: icu- ===>>> Port directory: /usr/ports/devel/icu ===>>> Starting check for build dependencies ===>>> Gathering dependency list for devel/icu from ports ===>>> Launching child to update pkg-1.0.3_1 to pkg-1.0.4_1 ===>>> icu- 1/1 >> pkg-1.0.3_1 (1/16) ===>>> Currently installed version: pkg-1.0.3_1 ===>>> Port directory: /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg ===>>> Starting check for build dependencies ===>>> Gathering dependency list for ports-mgmt/pkg from ports ===>>> No dependencies for ports-mgmt/pkg ===> Cleaning for pkg-1.0.4_1 You are about to convert your system to pkgng while you have ports/packages installed with the old pkg_install tools. You can choose to: - keep pkg_install as the package management system by adding this line to /etc/make.conf: WITHOUT_PKGNG=yes - switch to pkgng: 1) Add WITHOUT_PKGNG to /etc/make.conf 2) Install ports-mgmt/pkg 3) Convert your package database by running pkg2ng 4) Remove WITHOUT_PKGNG from /etc/make.conf *** [pre-everything] Error code 1 Stop in /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg. ===>>> make failed for ports-mgmt/pkg ===>>> Aborting update ===>>> Update for pkg-1.0.3_1 failed ===>>> Aborting update ******************** Is this a know problem or the there someting in the UPDATING file not mentioned? In /etc/make.conf I have: WITH_PKGNG=yes (as descriped in 20121015) Thanks, Matthias -- "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning." -- Rich Cook _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""