On 26/12/2012 07:27, Jens Jahnke wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Dec 2012 12:27:11 +0200
> David Naylor <naylor.b.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
> DN> Since it is possible to install the existing pkg 
> DN> packages in a pkgng environment (which I do) this is not a high
> DN> priority.
> is there a documentation for that? I searched the pkgng docs but found
> nothing regarding installation of "old" packages or converting them to
> a newer version.

There's nothing in pkg_tools to stop it working on a pkgng-enabled
system.  This does not mean that installing pkg_tools packages in that
situation is in any way supported or encouraged.  If you do this, you
will create a mess on your systems and store up a nasty job of sorting
it all out for yourself.  It really isn't a good idea.

I know there is a lack of availability of official pre-compiled packages
from the FreeBSD project at the moment.  This is an unfortunate
consequence of the security problem in November, and all I can do is ask
for your patience as the situation gets sorted out.

In the mean time, the best advice is to compile your own.  Either
directly from ports, by using portmaster or portupgrade or else by using
an off-line package building system like poudriere or tinderbox[*].



[*] You need tinderbox-devel for pkgng support, or the upcoming 4.0.0

Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.
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