On Tue, 08 Jan 2013 07:59:51 -0500, Dimitri Yioulos <dyiou...@onpointfc.com> wrote:

Hope I'm not offending you if the following are things
you've tried as a matter-of-course:

After booting up, is history started, or do you have to do
that manually?  Have you run "set -o" to see if history is
enabled?  If it isn't, then "set -o history".  Is a "clear"
command being issued from anywhere upon logout or reboot?

Just some thoughts.

No offense at all, thanks for your suggestions! I'm currently at work so I'll test this when I get home (this is on a desktop running 8.3-stable). I've never had to do anything special when using bash on FreeBSD. I'll be sure to check th output of "set -o" and report back here.

If there's an erroneous 'clear' command somewhere, it must be on logout since I can easily test this problem being that I use tmux. :) I also do not have a .bash_logout file, if that matters.

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll let you know what turns up.

Andre Goree
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