--As of January 10, 2013 10:48:41 AM -0500, Michael Powell is alleged to have said:

Not exactly sure where the problem stems from, but one thing you may wish
to  consider: do make config on the courier-imap port and deselect the
'with  gamin' option and rebuild/make reinstall. I ran courier-imap
forever without  gamin so I suspect it's not really needed. If this works
out remove gamin  from the box if there is nothing else using it. Same
for fam - if it isn't  absolutely required by anything get rid of it.
Only port I have that  actually uses/depends on gamin for me is Samba36.

Definatly an option, though I'd like to know what - exactly - went wrong, as I haven't touched those options on this box in a couple of years. (And it's apparently gamin *or* fam: They would conflict if you installed them both. I have gamin.)

As it's just a personal box I can get away with trying to hunt down elusive snarks. ;)

The only thing I can think of why courier-imap might have use for
gamin/fam  is for shared folders and shared folder indexing. This I do
not use. YMMV?

I don't either, but I get the error basically any time I open anything. I think Peter's idea that it's trying to check usage quotas (which I also don't use...) is more likely correct.

Note: /tmp is usually a 'sticky bit' set - mode 1777. I've had a time or
two  in the past where I've muffed that up.

Yep, that's what I was expecting.  ;)

Anyone have any other ideas on where I can start troubleshooting?  (And
yes, I'm considering upgrading to Dovecot, but I want to know everything
is working first.)

I just made the move to dovecot2 after 10 years, or so, of using courier-
imap. Not that I ever had any trouble with courier-imap either, but the
dovecot2 is a little cleaner install with fewer 'satellite' addons. Been
using it a month now and am happy with results. It also slid right in and
took over the existing Maildir contents from pre-existing courier-imap -
I  was very happy to see this!

I'm mostly just hearing good things about it, especially that it's slightly faster. It doesn't make much difference to me, but on the other hand I have a couple of folders I do have to wait a moment to open...

Mainly though, since I don't have any actual complaints about Courier (other than this new issue, which doesn't appear to primarily Courier's fault), it's not going to be moving up my priority list very fast. ;)

Daniel T. Staal

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