Karl Vogel writes:

 > R> After looking into several things, I can now send mail successfully.
 > R> However, delivery to local mailboxes is still blocked.  sm-mta reports
 > R> "accepting connections", but maillog is still full of:
 > R>   jerusalem sm-mta[28896]: r05KsfdB048780: smtpquit: mailer local exited
 > R>   with exit value 1
 >    Can you temporarily replace your local mailer?

     I found the problem - mail.local exiting because it couldn't load
libsasl2.so.2 - and worked around by adding an entry in libmap
pointing to .3.
     This is (obviously) not the final solution, and I am trying to
figure out how to recompile mail.local to fix this.  Recompiling all
of sendmail didn't seem to catch it ....


                Robert Huff

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