On Sun, 20 Jan 2013 09:46:00 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> Wow, if on Linux something is fishy, it usually has to do with Lennart  
> Poettering, does he break FreeBSD too?
> $ su -
> Password:
> root@freebsd:/root # mcedit
> Error
> "/root" is not a regular file [ Dismiss ]

Seems to be a problem with the configuration. Temporarily
try the following:

# cd /root
# mv .mc .mc.orig
# mcedit

That should start the editor with the defaults.

Of course, /root is not a regular file, it's a directory. :-)

> root@freebsd:/root # gedit
> (gedit:17410): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:

This editor requires X. If you're running the above su command
in an xterm, use "su -m root" and try again.

> root@freebsd:/root # vi
> vi does run

Because vi belongs to the OS, it's not a port.

> root@freebsd:/root # logout
> $ mcedit
> Failed to run:
> Your old settings were migrated from /home/rocketmouse/.mc
> to Freedesktop recommended dirs.
> To get more info, please visit
> http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html [1]

Seems that the new MC version has migrated its configuration
files somewhere else...

> $ gedit
> As user gedit does start, so perhaps I need gksu to run it as root.

That sounds wrong. What would be a reason for an installed editor
that is intended to be run on X _not_ to run from a user account
that currently runs X?

> [1] That's a nightmare :(, I don't want to read something that has to do  
> with Lennart Poettering.

I'm not sure in how far this XDG stuff applies to MC / mcedit...
but the message seems to originate from MC which adopts to the
FreeDesktop recommendations...

> What the hell is broken now, regarding to the insane ideas of this man?

Implied statement (not _my_ words): "Every program should store
its configuration data according to the XDG / FreeDesktop
specification." Seems that the MC agreed.

> OT:  
> http://linux-bsd-sharing.blogspot.de/2008/08/howto-musicpd-music-player-daemon-on.html
> is not a valid howto for my upgraded FreeBSD ports :(.

>From a short look at it, the content looks valid. But I haven't
tried it in order to confirm that it's working.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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