On 27/01/2013 08:15, dweimer wrote:

I would like to lock down the USB serial port adapter used on the UPS to
/dev/cuaU0, to make sure the UPS is always monitored and I will get a
clean shutdown in event of a power failure.

I believe that this requires setting a hint line of some sort in the
/boot/loader.conf file, but I am having trouble tracking down what this
should be, or maybe I am on the wrong track.  Here is the current
information from the adpapters, the UPS adapter was connected at boot,
is on /dev/cuaU0, the other one was plugged in after boot, and is on

start with man devd.conf

You can add your own devd files in /usr/local/etc/devd/
Something along the lines of -

attach 200 {
        device-name "cuaU[0-9]+";
        match "vendor" "0x067b";
        match "product" "0x2303";
        action "sleep 2; cd /dev; ln -s ${device-name} upsmonitor";

use usbconfig to get info. I am thinking with the similarity of the two
you may need to rely on bus and hubaddr or devaddr to keep each device
identified by usb port location.

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