On 27 January 2013 11:31,  <c...@sdf.org> wrote:
>> I know there is a command that will give me the name
>> of the account I am logged in on.
>> But I can not recall the name of this command.
>> What is the name of this command?
>> Thanks
> name@hactar:/home/name % who
> name            pts/0    Jan 27 16:31 (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)
> name@hactar:/home/name % whoami
> name
> name@hactar:/home/name %
> also id
> man who
> man whoami
> man id

~> ls -li `which whoami id`
1201423 -r-xr-xr-x  3 root  wheel  12008 Nov 30 20:26 /usr/bin/id
1201423 -r-xr-xr-x  3 root  wheel  12008 Nov 30 20:26 /usr/bin/whoami

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