Has anyone got a suggestion for this?  I've also tried to do this in the same manner 
(a la Linux) and been equally as frustrated.  "man mount" describes lots of options 
for the command, but it does not go into all of the "-o" options, which are 
(apparently) what we're looking for here.
Jon Reynolds wrote:
>         Ok, here is what I am trying to do. I am trying to mount a
>         samba served
>         directory on a remote system onto my local system. Both
>         servers are
>         running freebsd4.8. I want to mount the remote directory with
>         the
>         priveliges of the remote owner of the directory onto my local
>         system.
>         In Linux I can do it this way:
>         mount -t smbfs -o username=,password=,
>         uid=jonr,gid=jonr //sambaserver/ /path/to/mount/point
>         This will send my username and password then mount the share
>         with the
>         remote users uid and gid.
>         Is there a way to do this on FreeBSD? I have been reading the
>         man pages
>         for mount and mount_smbfs and can't find out how to do this.
>         -- 
>         Jon Reynolds 

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