Bernt Hansson wrote:

I would like to install an old version of freebsd let's say 4.6 in a
jail. Is that possible.

Host is 8.3-stable amd64
Things like ps won't run, but you can copy static binaries from host:/rescue to 
jail:/{bin,sbin} as appropriate and that helps a lot.
I just installed a 5.4-RELEASE/i386 jail on a 9.1-STABLE/amd64 system.
Mysqld would not run (dumped core), so I relocated that to a separate jail 
running 9.1-STABLE/amd64
One gotcha I found is that while you can run an old i386 system in a jail on an 
amd64 host, you can't build an amd64 kernel with COMPAT_AOUT, so if you have an 
a.out binary from days of old, you need an i386 kernel.

Devin Teske wrote:
Yes, this is possible.

When I get into work, I'll share with you the recipe (I have a script called "" 
which I run after building [or rsync'ing] a 4.x box to an 8.x box to become a vimage; note that I 
didn't say "jail" -- 4.x runs better as a VNET jail than a regular jail).

We've not had much luck in running 4.x as a non-vnet jail under 8.x whereas 
vnet-jail works wonders (with a couple binaries replaced, like netstat, 
ifconfig, ps, and top for example).

Please share your script with us all (especially me :-) )


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