
I think I've found a regression on 9.1R. I used to mount
some of Oxford University Press's New English File CD-ROM
on 9.0. These CD-s are actually enhanced CDs with some
audio tracks, and a data track at the end. Actually, I cannot mount
them on 9.1. Neither on Amd64 nor on i386. Neither with a SCSI
DVD-drive, nor with ATAPI drives. On 9.0, I need only to
'mount -r -t cd9660 /dev/cd0 /mnt' - on 9.1 it doesn't work. And doesn't
work with the -s option of mount_cdrom - I can get the start of the
data track with either cdcontrol info or with cdda2wav -info-only. They
give me the same nubmber as the sector number of the data track, but
mount_cdrom doesn't work with it.

Actually, I've sent bug report about it, but there weren't any reaction:




# See my GPG key at http://www.Zahemszky.HU
Z='21N16I25C25E30, 40M30E33E25T15U!';
set -- $Z;for i;{ [[ $i = ? ]]&&print $i&&break;
[[ $i = ??? ]]&&j=$i&&i=${i%?};
typeset -i40 i=8#$i;print -n ${i#???};
[[ "$j" = ??? ]]&&print -n "${j#??} "&&j=;typeset +i i;};
IFS=' 0123456789 ';set -- $Z;for i;{ [[ $i = , ]]&&i=2;
[[ $i = ?? ]]||typeset -l i;j="$j $i";typeset +l i;};print "$j"
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