In the last episode (Mar 16), Drew Tomlinson said:
> I have an old system happily running 6.4 but am finding that it can no
> longer download or build a ports index.  Thus I guess it's time to
> upgrade.
> What "gotchas" do I need to look out for?  In the past my upgrades have
> always been simply downloading new source, reviewing kernel config file,
> and then rebuilding the system.  Any ports that didn't work after that I
> would just rebuild as well.  However I've never waited this long to
> upgrade.  Do I need to do anything different?

You won't be able to do a straight source build from 6.4 to 9.1; too many
low-level changes like Makefile syntax and compiler options have changed. 
If you are comfortable with temporarily disabling non-essential things that
fail to build, it is definitely possible to do a long jump to 9.1, but it'd
be safer to either hop from 6.4 -> (7-stable or 8-stable) -> 9 doing
buildkernels and buildworlds, or just do a binary upgrade of kernel and base
system to 9.1.

        Dan Nelson
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