On 03/16/2013 04:20 PM, Mehmet Erol Sanliturk wrote:

With respect to your mount points : /usr1 is spanning TWO different partitions :

/dev/ad4s1f    390G    127G    231G    35%    /usr1
/dev/ad6s1d    902G    710G    120G    86%    /usr1/BKU

because /usr1/BKU is a sub-directory of  /usr1 .

If you create a new directory , for example /usr2 , and /usr2/BKU , and using 
this new separate directory for sharing , such as :

/dev/ad6s1d    902G    710G    120G    86%    /usr2/BKU


   machine:/usr2/BKU     /BKU     nfs   rw,soft,intr          0  0

  will it make difference ?

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk

I just tried this and it made no difference.  The same file copied onto
the NFS mount on /usr1/shared takes about 20x as long when coppied
on to /usr[1|2]/BKU.

Tim Daneliuk     tun...@tundraware.com
PGP Key:         http://www.tundraware.com/PGP/

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