On 3/17/2013 3:16 PM, Polytropon wrote:
On Sun, 17 Mar 2013 15:07:35 -0700, Drew Tomlinson wrote:
I've been away for a while.  In the past, the proper way to update a
system was to grab current sources via cvsup and then rebuild world and
kernel.  But now I see cvsup is no longer supported.
Correct. The new way to obtain sources is via Subversion.
The OS will hopefully soon get a csup equivalent (svnup)
so you don't need to install a port with heavy dependencies.

The handbook talks
about freebsd-update.  I do not want binary upgrades but is this the
tool to replace cvsup to update sources?
Basically freebsd-update updates the system binarily, as you
said. But it can also be used to only update sources. In order
to do this, edit /etc/freebsd-update.conf to contain the line
"Components src" (means: you remove all the other components
such as "world" and "kernel"). Then you proceed to reinstall
from source as known.

How do I use it to replace the
old way that went something like this:

cvsup sources
make buildworld
make buildkernel
make installkernel
make installworld

(I'm not sure I have that in the exact proper order but it was something
like that).
The exact proper order can be found in the comment header of
/usr/src/Makefile. You should stick to that order to avoid
problems. Also see the corresponding handbook section.

So is freebsd-update what I need?
As explained above - or make yourself familiar with SVN, which
is the CVSup / csup replacement.

Is there a page that describes the
steps to accomplish this?
See "man freebsd-update" and the comments in /etc/freebsd-update.conf
for details. Also see the Handbook's section about updating.

Thanks for the replies. Using freebsd-update seemed the simplest method since it was already included. Worked just fine for getting the sources. And following the steps listed in comments in /usr/src/Makefile worked for building and installing the sources.



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