On Thu, 4 Apr 2013, Polytropon wrote:

On Wed, 3 Apr 2013 17:16:35 -0400, Grant Peel wrote:
If anyone is willing to explain step by step, how to boot, create the
filesystems, and make the disk bootable using 9.1 & gpart etc I would
appreciate it!

Obtain a CD or DVD image, or a USB stick image, and create
the media as explained in The FreeBSD Handbook. Booting
should not be harder than inserting the media into the
appropriate slot of the machine. :-)

For initializing disks with gpart I found Warren Block's
article very helpful:


There are also sections covering the topic both in The
FreeBSD Handbook and the FAQ, but this article is a
very good "concentrate".

Aw shucks; thanks.

For a USB bootable FreeBSD, mfsBSD is more capable than the install CD/USB: http://mfsbsd.vx.sk/
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