Dear All ,

I could be able to connect a FreeBSD 9.1 amd64 computer as client to a
Windows XP ( 32 bits ) by
using information supplied by the mail

and I sent a mail

to share my findings .

Previously , I tried to make a FreeBSD 9.1 amd64 as Samba server and
connect a Windows XP as a client computer .

By using The FreeBSD Handbook , many documents from and
Internet ,
I could not be able to access to the FreeBSD Samba server from Windows XP :

Continuously I have received "Access denied" error message in Windows XP
although in the server the related directory and files have mode
rwx-rwx-rwx .

The same message is produced even for Linux Samba Server .

The examples given in the documents are partial statements without actually
files / statements in such a setting , and sometimes inconsistent or
with each other because they are mostly written manually .

If a working , applicable set of files / statements are supplied , it will
be appreciated very much .

After a successful implementation , I will send an e-mail about this set up
as an example for
the FreeBSD Handbook to share our information with other people in need .

Thank you very much .

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
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