Sorry for top-post, but just wanted to add a quick note:

The output of "ngctl dot" would be very helpful to others in debugging your 

On May 18, 2013, at 8:38 AM, Joe wrote:

> Hello list
> I cant get to the internet using this netgraph setup script.
> I sure would appreciate giving this console log a look over for
> errors. My netgraph knowledge level is not sufficient to see what is
> wrong. The goal is to run this script to setup and break down a netgraph
> network for a single vnet jail at a time. rl0 is the real nic interface
> device name of the nic facing the internet. This box is on my lan and
> the gateway box does NAT for all lan boxes. The host running this script can 
> ping the internet ok.
> Thank you very much for your help.
> The host's kernel has modules with vimage & ipfw compiled in.
> From the host
> # /root >ifconfig
> rl0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu
>       options=2008<VLAN_MTU,WOL_MAGIC>
>       ether 00:0c:6e:09:8b:74
>       inet netmask 0xfffffff8 broadcast
>       media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX <full-duplex>)
>       status: active
> plip0: flags=8810<POINTOPOINT,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
> ipfw0: flags=8801<UP,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 65536
> lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 16384
>       options=600003<RXCSUM,TXCSUM,RXCSUM_IPV6,TXCSUM_IPV6>
>       inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
>       inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x8
>       inet netmask 0xff000000
>       nd6 options=21<PERFORMNUD,AUTO_LINKLOCAL>
> The jails config file
> # /root >cat /usr/local/etc/vnet/vdir4
> vdir4 {
> host.hostname       =  "vdir4";
> path                =  "/usr/jails/vdir4";
> mount.fstab         =  "/usr/local/etc/fstab/vdir4";
> vnet;
> persist;
> }
> The netgraph script
> # /root >cat /usr/local/bin/
> #!/bin/sh
> # snip comments for displaying here
> # This script is based on this /usr/share/examples/netgraph/virtual.lan
> # Give the name of ethernet interface.
> ETHER_INTF="rl0"
> # List the names of virtual nodes and their IP addresses. Use ':'
> # character to separate node name from node IP address and netmask.
> #TARGET_TOPOLOGY="c1| c2| c3|"
> # MAC manufacturer prefix. This can be modified according to needs.
> MAC_PREFIX="00:1d:92"
> # Temporary file is important for proper execution of script.
> TEMP_FILE="/var/tmp/virtual.lan.tmp"
> virtual_lan_start() {
> # Load netgraph KLD's as necessary.
> for KLD in ng_ether ng_bridge ng_eiface; do
>       if ! kldstat -v | grep -qw ${KLD}; then
>               echo -n "Loading ${KLD}.ko... "
>               kldload ${KLD} || exit 1
>               echo "done"
>       fi
> done
> # Reset all interfaces and jails. If temporary file can not be found
> # script assumes that there is no previous configuration.
> if [ ! -e ${TEMP_FILE} ]; then
>  echo "No previous configuration(${TEMP_FILE}) found to clean-up."
> else
>  echo -n "Cleaning previous configuration..."
>  virtual_lan_stop
>  echo "done"
> fi
> # Create temporary file for usage. This file includes generated
> # interface names and jail names. All bridges, interfaces and jails
> # are written to file while created. In clean-up process written
> # objects are cleaned (i.e. removed) from system.
> if [ -e ${TEMP_FILE} ]; then
>       touch ${TEMP_FILE}
> fi
> echo -n "Verifying ethernet interface existence..."
> # Verify ethernet interface exist.
> if ! ngctl info ${ETHER_INTF}: >/dev/null 2>&1; then
>       echo "Error: interface ${ETHER_INTF} does not exist"
>       exit 1
> fi
> ifconfig ${ETHER_INTF} up || exit 1
> echo "done"
> # Get current number of bridge interfaces in the system. This number
> # is used to create a name for new bridge.
> BRIDGE_COUNT=`ngctl l | grep bridge | wc -l | sed -e "s/ //g"`
> # Create new ng_bridge(4) node and attach it to the ethernet interface.
> # Connect ng_ether:lower hook to bridge:link0 when creating bridge and
> # connect ng_ether:upper hook to bridge:link1 after bridge name is set.
> echo "Creating bridge interface: ${BRIDGE_NAME}..."
> ngctl mkpeer ${ETHER_INTF}: bridge lower link0 || exit 1
> ngctl name ${ETHER_INTF}:lower ${BRIDGE_NAME} || exit 1
> ngctl connect ${ETHER_INTF}: ${BRIDGE_NAME}: upper link1 || exit 1
> echo "Bridge ${BRIDGE_NAME} is created and ${ETHER_INTF} is connected."
> # In the above code block two hooks are connected to bridge interface,
> # therefore LINKNUM is set to 2 indicating total number of connected
> # hooks on the bridge interface.
> # Write name of the bridge to temp file. Clean-up procedure will use
> # this name to shutdown bridge interface.
> echo "bridge ${BRIDGE_NAME}" > ${TEMP_FILE}
> # Attach vnet jail.
> for NODE in ${TARGET_TOPOLOGY}; do
>  # Virtual nodes are defined in TARGET_TOPOLOGY variable. They
>  # have the form of 'nodeName|IPaddr'. Below two lines split
>  # node definition to get node name and node IP.
>  NODE_NAME=`echo ${NODE} | awk -F"|" '{print $1}'`
>  NODE_IP=`echo ${NODE} | awk -F"|" '{print $2}'`
>  # Create virtual node (jail) with given name
>  echo -n "Creating virtual node (jail) ${NODE_NAME}..."
>  jail -f "/usr/local/etc/vnet/${NODE_NAME}" -c ${NODE_NAME}
>  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
>    echo "Error: /usr/sbin/jail failed to start jail ${NODE_NAME}."
>    virtual_lan_stop
>    exit 2
>  fi
>  echo "done"
>  # Write name of the jail to temp file. Clean-up procedure will
>  # use this name to remove jail.
>  echo "node ${NODE_NAME}" >> ${TEMP_FILE}
>  # Create a ng_eiface object for virtual node. ng_eiface
>  # object has a hook that can be connected to one of bridge
>  # links. After creating interface get its automatically
>  # generated name for further usage.
>  echo "Creating eiface interface for virtual node ${NODE_NAME}."
>  ngctl mkpeer eiface ether ether
>  EIFACE=`ngctl l | grep ngeth | tail -n 1| awk '{print $2}'`
>  echo "Interface ${EIFACE} is created."
>  # Write name of the interface to temp file. Clean-up procedure
>  # will use this name to shutdown interface.
>  echo "interface ${EIFACE}" >> ${TEMP_FILE}
>  # Move virtual interface to virtual node. Note that Interface
>  # name will not be changed at the end of this movement. Moved
>  # interface can be seen at the output of ifconfig command in
>  # jail: 'jexec jailname ifconfig'
>  echo "Moving ${EIFACE} to ${NODE_NAME}"
>  ifconfig ${EIFACE} vnet ${NODE_NAME}
>  # Make lo0 interface localhost.
>  jexec ${NODE_NAME} ifconfig lo0 localhost
>  # Generate a random mac address for virtual interface. First
>  # three octets can be changed by user. Last three octets are
>  # generated randomly.
>  M4=`od -An -N2 -i /dev/random | sed -e 's/ //g' | \
>               awk '{ print $1 % 256 }'`
>  M5=`od -An -N2 -i /dev/random | sed -e 's/ //g' | \
>               awk '{ print $1 % 256 }'`
>  M6=`od -An -N2 -i /dev/random | sed -e 's/ //g' | \
>       awk '{ print $1 % 256 }'`
>  MAC=`printf ${MAC_PREFIX}:%02x:%02x:%02x ${M4} ${M5} ${M6}`
>  # Set the link address (mac address) of virtual interface in
>  # virtual node to randomly generated MAC.
>  echo "Setting MAC address of ${EIFACE} to '${MAC}'"
>  jexec ${NODE_NAME} ifconfig ${EIFACE} link $MAC
>  # Either IPv4 or IPv6 can be used in this script. Ifconfig
>  # IP setting syntax differs slightly for two IP versions.
>  # For version 4 'inet' keyword is used whereas for version 6
>  # 'inet6' is used. Below line tries to decide which IP version
>  # is given and sets IPVER to 'inet' or 'inet6'.
>  IPVER=`echo ${NODE_IP} | awk -F"." '{ split($4,last,"/"); \
>       if( NF==4 && $1>0 && $1<256 && $2<256 && $3<256 && \
>       last[1]<256) print "inet"; else print "inet6"}'`
>  # Set IP address of virtual interface in virtual node.
>  echo "Setting IP address of ${EIFACE} to '${NODE_IP}'"
>  jexec ${NODE_NAME} ifconfig ${EIFACE} ${IPVER} ${NODE_IP}
>  # Connect virtual interface to bridge interface. Syntax is :
>  # Interface has one hook named 'ether' and below line connects
>  # ether hook to bridge's first unconnected link.
>  echo -n "Connecting ${EIFACE}:ether to ${BRIDGE_NAME}:link${LINKNUM}..."
>  ngctl connect ${EIFACE}: ${BRIDGE_NAME}: ether link${LINKNUM} \
>       || exit 1
>  echo "done"
>  # Now, bridge has one more connected link thus link count is
>  # incremented.
>  LINKNUM=`expr ${LINKNUM} + 1`
> done
> echo "Virtual LAN established successfully!"
> }
> # Stop routine.
> virtual_lan_stop() {
> if [ ! -e ${TEMP_FILE} ]; then
>  echo "Nothing to stop! ${TEMP_FILE}: temp file not found"
> else
>  echo -n "Shutdown bridge interface.."
>  OBJECTS=`cat ${TEMP_FILE} | grep bridge | awk '{print $2}'`
>  for BRIDGE in ${OBJECTS}; do
>    ngctl shutdown ${BRIDGE}: >/dev/null 2>&1
>  done
>  echo "done"
>  echo -n "Shutdown all eiface interfaces..."
>  OBJECTS=`cat ${TEMP_FILE} | grep interface | awk '{print $2}'`
>  for INTERFACE in ${OBJECTS}; do
>    ngctl shutdown ${INTERFACE}: >/dev/null 2>&1
>  done
>  echo "done"
>  echo -n "Removing all jails..."
>  OBJECTS=`cat ${TEMP_FILE} | grep node | awk '{print $2}'`
>  for NODE in ${OBJECTS}; do
>     jail -f "/usr/local/etc/vnet/${NODE}" -r ${NODE}
>  done
>  echo "done"
>  echo "Removing tempfile ${TEMP_FILE}"
>  rm ${TEMP_FILE}
> fi
> echo "Virtual LAN objects removed successfully!"
> }
> # Main entry point.
> case $# in
>       1)
>               case $1 in
>                        start)
>                                echo -n "Creating default target topology:"
>                               echo " ${TARGET_TOPOLOGY}"
>                                virtual_lan_start
>                                ;;
>                        stop)
>                               if [ ! -e ${TEMP_FILE} ]; then
>                                       echo -n "Noting to stop! ${TEMP_FILE}:"
>                                       echo " temp file not found"
>                               else
>                                       virtual_lan_stop
>                               fi
>                                ;;
>                        help)
>                                virtual_lan_usage
>                               exit 1
>                                ;;
>                        *)
>                                virtual_lan_usage
>                                exit 1
>                esac
>               ;;
>       2)
>               case $1 in
>                       start)
>                               TARGET_TOPOLOGY=$2
>                                echo -n "Creating target topology:"
>                               echo "${TARGET_TOPOLOGY}"
>                                virtual_lan_start
>                                ;;
>                        *)
>                               virtual_lan_usage
>                                exit 1
>                esac
>               ;;
>       *)
>                virtual_lan_usage
>                exit 1
> esac
> # /root > start
> Creating default target topology: vdir4|
> Loading ng_ether.ko... done
> Loading ng_bridge.ko... done
> Loading ng_eiface.ko... done
> No previous configuration(/var/tmp/virtual.lan.tmp) found to clean-up.
> Verifying ethernet interface existence...done
> Creating bridge interface: bridge0...
> Bridge bridge0 is created and rl0 is connected.
> Creating virtual node (jail) vdir4...vdir4: created
> done
> Creating eiface interface for virtual node vdir4.
> Interface ngeth0 is created.
> Moving ngeth0 to vdir4
> Setting MAC address of ngeth0 to '00:1d:92:df:92:8e'
> Setting IP address of ngeth0 to ''
> Connecting ngeth0:ether to bridge0:link2...done
> Virtual LAN established successfully!
> # /root >ngctl ls -l
> There are 5 total nodes:
>  Name: rl0             Type: ether           ID: 00000001   Num hooks: 2
>  Local hook      Peer name       Peer type    Peer ID         Peer
> hook
>  ----------      ---------       ---------    -------
> ---------
>  upper           bridge0         bridge       00000006        link1
>  lower           bridge0         bridge       00000006        link0
>  Name: ipfw0           Type: ether           ID: 00000002   Num hooks: 0
>  Name: bridge0         Type: bridge          ID: 00000006   Num hooks: 3
>  Local hook      Peer name       Peer type    Peer ID         Peer
> hook
>  ----------      ---------       ---------    -------
> ---------
>  link2           ngeth0          eiface       0000000a        ether
>  link1           rl0             ether        00000001        upper
>  link0           rl0             ether        00000001        lower
>  Name: ngeth0          Type: eiface          ID: 0000000a   Num hooks: 1
>  Local hook      Peer name       Peer type    Peer ID         Peer
> hook
>  ----------      ---------       ---------    -------
> ---------
>  ether           bridge0         bridge       00000006        link2
>  Name: ngctl1513       Type: socket          ID: 0000000d   Num hooks: 0
> # /root >jexec vdir4 tcsh
> vdir4 / >ping -c 1
> PING ( 56 data bytes
> ping: sendto: No route to host
> --- ping statistics ---
> 1 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss
> vdir4 / >exit
> exit
> # /root > stop
> Shutdown bridge interface..done
> Shutdown all eiface interfaces...done
> Removing all jails...vdir4: removed
> done
> Removing tempfile /var/tmp/virtual.lan.tmp
> Virtual LAN objects removed successfully!
> # /root >jls
>   JID  IP Address      Hostname                      Path
> # /root >ngctl ls -l
> There are 3 total nodes:
>  Name: ngctl1540       Type: socket          ID: 00000010   Num hooks: 0
>  Name: rl0             Type: ether           ID: 00000001   Num hooks: 0
>  Name: ipfw0           Type: ether           ID: 00000002   Num hooks: 0
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