On Sat, 25 May 2013 03:11:48 -0700
Ronald F. Guilmette articulated:

> I have a Trendnet TEW-684UB wireless dual-band USB adapter.  Googling
> around for awhile leads me to believe that this probably contains an
> Ralink RT3572 chipset.
> Further googling also leads me to believe that a version of the
> run(4) driver which should support this chipset was comitted some
> considerable time ago.
> Can anyone confirm either or both of these two impressions?  Does
> the TEW-684UB contain an Ralink RT3572?  Is support for that chipset
> present in 9.1-RELEASE?
> If the answer to both of the above is "yes", then where might I find
> a "HOW TO" sort of doc which might help me to get this running?  I've
> already added the following lines to /boot/loader.conf and rebooted:
>            if_run_load="YES"
>            runfw_load="YES"
> but apparently to no avail.
> After adding the above two lines to loader.conf and rebooting,
> shouldn't the device thenceforth appear in the output of "ifconfig
> -a" ?  (Mine does not.)

Seriously, it took me three seconds to go to the TRENDnet page and
discover that it uses the RT3573 chip set.
<http://wikidevi.com/wiki/TRENDnet_TEW-684UB> I will leave discovering
if the run(4) driver supports it as a lesson for the student.

Jerry ♔

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