
Step1: Make a new user::

    root@localhost# pw useradd foo -m -s /bin/tcsh -h 0
    password for user foo: (secret)

Step 2: Does sendmail know them::

    root@modunix# sendmail -bv foo@localhost
    foo@localhost... deliverable: mailer local, user foo

    # Good...

Step 3: Make a new user with uppercase 'B'::

    root@localhost# pw useradd Bar -m -s /bin/tcsh -h 0
    password for user Bar: (secret)

Step 4: Does sendmail know them::

    root@modunix# sendmail -bv Bar@localhost
    Bar@localhost... User unknown

Curious, why? I know usernames are case-sensitive, I thought emails were
too. Without fighting an epic battle with with the sendmail configs, is
there a simple way to make this work?

The obvious answer is probably, "usernames should be lowercase!" and for
new users I'll enforce that policy. For existing users however, who may
already have lots of case-sensitive usernames in various config files,
etc this isn't a real option. By just altering their usernames I'm
afraid I'd break the whole damn universe. How can I enable mail for

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