I have a ps/2 mouse attached to a HP mini-tower running FreeBSD 8.3, with
a stripped-down kernel (no loadable modules).  I've apparently removed 
something necessary for standard mouse functionality, but I have no clue as
to -what- is missing.

Gory details:
  1) '/dev/psm0' exists and +is+ the mouse,
  2) 'moused' detects the mouse:  psm0  sysmouse Intellimouse
  3) 'moused -d' properly reports mouse activity -- button press/release and
     mouse motion.
  4) 'vidcontrol -m on' reports "inappropriate ioctl for device".
  5) *NO* '/dev/sysmouse' device present.

I'm building an ncurses-based app, and want to add mouse functionality.
The ncurses mouse-related functions return 'total failure' status (value 0).

I suspect that 5), above is the immediate issue, but can't find out 'who'
is (ir-)responsible for creating that psuedo-device.

Any/all pointers much appreciated.

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