Yes, 1.0, from November 1993.  The install CD is here:

emulators/qemu boots from the floppy image in the cdinstal directory, but reports "no cdrom found".

I managed to find a Pentium 4 system with a working floppy drive, found a working disk, made the boot floppy, and then booted it. It boots and reports the same thing. Putting the CD drive on a separate IDE bus or as a secondary on the same bus as the hard drive makes no difference. Chipset too new, maybe.

Any ideas short of "find an original Pentium system that still works"?

Here is the qemu invocation I tried:

qemu -m 16 -cpu pentium -hda fbsd1.img -fda /mnt/cdinstal/cdins_ah.flp -cdrom 
FreeBSD-1.0-RELEASE.iso -boot a -enable-kqemu
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