On 08/07/2013 19:29, CeDeROM wrote:
Hello :-)

I have noted this nasty and disturbing problem with Chromium that it
very often does not refresh screen/display so I get result after few
seconds or need to refresh page to see a change. It does not happen
with other browsers and/or x-applications. Did anyone notice that
problem? I am using public pkgng binaries from
http://mirror.exonetric.net/pub/pkgng/freebsd:9:x86:64/latest. I
guess it might be related to some stuff with GTK...

I see this issue while playing videos in vlc, it's not 100% but close,
so it may be related to video resolution or codec. As soon as I stop the
video (not pause but stop) the windows draw properly again.

If your not running vlc at the time could the vlc plugin be running for
media on a web page?

I have seen this with chrome and a few other apps. Been a while since I
started a video while a page was open, but starting chrome while a video
is playing leaves only a blank window (the toolbar/bookmarksbar draw but
the rest of the window is blank) - the page is loaded but not drawn, I
get tooltips and cursor changes as I hover over where links etc should
be on the web page.

chrome clipgrab(qt) and even vlc(qt) are the ones I can think of now
- vlc shows this issue with it's extra windows - eg playlist, preferences.

I'm running 9.1 amd64 with nvidia-driver-310.44_1 xorg-7.7 xfce-4.10_5

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