On 12 July 2013, at 10:49, Chris Maness <ch...@chrismaness.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 3:11 PM, Chris Maness <ch...@chrismaness.com> wrote:
>>> Since you are going to wait anyway, why don't you try peeking at some of
>>> the file checksums while this is running?
>>> MacOS X comes with a shasum utility which implements SHA-256 checksums,
>>> so you should be able to look at a few random samples of these files,
>>> e.g. by running on the source disk:
>>>    shasum -a 256 source_directory/file/path/to/some/file.ext
>>>    shasum -a 256 copied_directory/file/path/to/some/file.ext
>>> If these are the same, then the applications look elsewhere, e.g. in the
>>> 'hidden' .DS_Store stuff some MacOS directories contain.
>>> But if the checksums are different, well, then there's your problem.
> Checksums are the same.  All other files still work however the HUGE
> rendered Final Cut Pro output, so I guess it is something in .DS_Store.
> Last time I just gave up and recopied everything by a simple cut and paste
> and that solved the problem.  I made a small change on the project today,
> and I don't want to have to copy the WHOLE thing again just for a small
> delta.  I already synced the directories, but the new rendered files are
> still un-openable in any application even though the checksums match.
> Really weird.  However, the project will still open and work on FCP.  Just
> the 12Gb rendered movie files will not play on anything even FCP.  If I
> delete .DS_Store will the system regenerate it with the appropriate file
> associations?
> I know this is a little off topic, but Mac OSX is based on BSD.  You guys
> are also the smartest around :D

Rsync on the Mac only opens and copies the data forks.  It does not copy the 
resource forks.  There are still a few applications that use resource forks.  
Likewise the checksum apps work on the data forks only.

There is a utility that is a modified rsync that does handle resource forks.  I 
no longer remember what its name is.  Its been a number of years since I last 
used it.  I normally rsync from FreeBSD systems to Mac systems.  I use Minis as 
off-site backups.

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