On Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 12:19:50AM -0800, Joe Pokupec wrote:
> Thanks Jonathan!
> I simply used your supfile and changed the host to cvsup16.FreeBSD.org (the
> other ones were busy) and:
> Establishing multiplexed-mode data connection
> Running
> Updating collection src-all/cvs
> Sweet! So what is I am updating now, the ports collection? Will this bring
> me up to 4.8 from 4.7 or do I use a different command?

The supfile updates the sources for the ports-skeleton and brings your
base source tree (/usr/src) up to 4-STABLE.

To bring your machine up to 4-STABLE you will have to follow the
instructions at:


> > Here's mine:
> > 
> >   *default  host=cvsup2.FreeBSD.org
> >   *default  base=/usr
> >   *default  prefix=/usr
> >   *default  release=cvs
> >   *default  delete use-rel-suffix
> > 
> >   *default compress
> > 
> >   *default  tag=RELENG_4
> >   src-all
> > 
> >   *default tag=.
> >   ports-all

Jonathan Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                   "Lots of folks confuse bad management with destiny"
                                                         - Kin Hubbard
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