On Aug 1, 2013, at 8:31 AM, Mike Jeays wrote:

> On Thu, 1 Aug 2013 14:21:34 +0100 (BST)
> Anton Shterenlikht <me...@bris.ac.uk> wrote:
>>> Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 14:29:25 +0200
>>> From: herbert langhans <w...@langhans.com.pl>
>>> To: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
>>> Subject: Re: learn
>>> The handbook is a monster, even technically interested people get lost
>>> there. You know that, corebug.
>> I completely disagree.
>> The handbook is of excellent quality for a volunteer project.
>> In particular, it is far ahead of any linux documentation
>> effort I've seen. Indeed, it was the handbook that made me
>> start using FreeBSD in the first place. In about 2003 I tried
>> several linux distros, and got completely lost. The available
>> documentation for linux, at least at that time, was not designed
>> for a novice, certainly not at my level. In contrast, the
>> FreeBSD handbook was very clear and allowed me to install
>> and start using FreeBSD quickly and easily. This was version 4.9.
>> Since then the quality of the handbook improved a lot.
>> The handbook is certantly the first FreeBSD resource
>> I would recommend to a FreeBSD novice.
>> Anton
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> Agreed - the handbook has been a great resource since I started using FreeBSD 
> in 1997,
> at version 2.2.something.
> Greg Lehey's book "The Complete FreeBSD" is also excellent, and available as 
> a free
> download - although I am sure he would appreciate contributions or purchases.
> http://www.lemis.com/grog/Documentation/CFBSD/

I suggest downloading the USB image, combine that with Googling and bayam, off 
you go.

Of course, supplement with RTFMing which should always be at your side and all 
will be well.

And lastly, having membership on this fine list is key.  The FreeBSD community 
is indeed grand.

Hell, I may even get a hoody from the store :)

- aurf
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