On 02/10/2013 21:07, Winston wrote:
> Summary:
> Where is the (U.S.) pkg(ng) repository for amd64 9.2-RELEASE (i.e.,
> what's the right URI for PACKAGESITE in pkg.conf)?
> Things I tried that didn't work:
> * pkg_add -r pkg  didn't create /usr/local/etc/pkg.conf
> * pkg.conf.sample suggests "http://pkg.freebsd.org/${ABI}/latest";,
>   but the host name pkg.freebsd.org does not DNS resolve for me.
> * URLs using pkgbeta.FreeBSD.org didn't work, and
>   http://pkgbeta.FreeBSD.org/  itself says
>   "Currently this site only contains pkg bootstrap files!"

Yeah -- and the bootstrap pkg on pkgbeta is severely out of date and has
some problems with the up to date DB schema.

Use PACKAGESITE=http://pkg-test.freebsd.org/pkg-test-${ABI}/latest

That's the kit that will form the official FreeBSD package repository;
it just lacks the crypto bits for signing the packages, which is why
it's calling itself 'pkg-test'

Oh -- there isn't an A record in the DNS for pkg-test.freebsd.org --
look up a SRV record for _http._tcp.pkg-test.freebsd.org instead.

(Yes, this is counter to RFC 2616.
https://github.com/freebsd/pkg/issues/550  There are moves afoot to
change to a new set of URL schemes: pkg+http://, pkg+https://,
pkg+ssh:// etc. but these are still under development)



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.
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