On Fri, 11 Oct 2013 04:38:45 +0200, Chris Stankevitz <chrisstankev...@gmail.com> wrote:


Handbook section 31.9 describes the setup of NAT.

Section 31.9.3 suggests net.inet.ip.fw.default_to_accept="1" "during
the first attempts to setup a firewall and NAT gateway".

Section 31.9.5 suggests I "specify a predefined firewall ruleset that
allows anything in" with firewall_type="OPEN"

Question: What is the difference between these two configurations (or
where can I go to learn the difference between the two)?

Thank you,



ipfw always has one default rule, standard is

        65535 deny ip from any to any

If you set net.inet.ip.fw.default_to_accept="1", you get

        65535 allow ip from any to any


Specifing firewall_type="OPEN" gives you an additional rule

        65000 allow ip from any to any

Now, if for example you execute ``ipfw flush'', thus deleting all rules,
this deletes rule 65000, but the default rule stays in effect.
With ...default_to_accept="0" ( standard setting ) you now have disabled all network connections and locked yourself out if you're working remote.

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