Hi there,

I am seeking an explanation of the following fsck(8) behavior.

This box is originally (IIRC) a 4.5-RELEASE install, gradually cvsupped
to a relatively recent 4.8-STABLE:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ 1007:0 > uname -a
FreeBSD freepuppy.bellavista.cz 4.8-STABLE FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE #2: Thu Jun  5 12:57:47 
CEST 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/FREEPUPPY2_5  i386

The system was dump/restored to a new disk last summer.

Some time ago I switched from mbox files to maildirs as my mail store
because maildrop(1) was EX_TEMPFAILing on the larger mboxes. Maildirs
have fixed this problem, but entering e. g. my postfix-users@ maildir
(162MB, ~34500 messages) takes way too much time:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ 1002:0 > time mutt -nF .mail/mutt/muttrc -e 'exec quit' -f 
34458 kept, 0 deleted.
mutt -nF .mail/mutt/muttrc -e 'exec quit' -f ~/Mail/lists/postfix  4.94s user 3.89s 
system 10% cpu 1:21.75 total
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ 1003:0 > find ~/Mail/lists/postfix -type f|wc -l
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ 1004:0 > du -hs ~/Mail/lists/postfix
162M    /home/roman/Mail/lists/postfix

(mutt-1.5.1i with patch-1.5.1.cd.edit_threads.9.2)

Yesterday I thought: hmm, maybe there's something wrong with the
filesystem, went to singleuser with `shutdown now`, ran fsck(8), and got
some "unexpected soft update inconsistency" messages in my ~/Mail.

The filesystem is always ok during the normal boot-time fsck run, so I'm
wondering whether this is normal, or if the fs is screwed. Attached is
the output of fsck(8) run in multiuser (postfix was running).

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ 1005:0 > df -h
Filesystem    Size   Used  Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ad0s1a   504M    49M   415M    10%    /
/dev/ad0s1e    72G    36G    30G    55%    /usr
procfs        4.0K   4.0K     0B   100%    /proc
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ 1006:0 > ls -l /var
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  8 Sep 16  2002 /var -> /usr/var

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