On Thu, 19 Jun 2003 14:30:37 -0700 (PDT), Claudiu Bichir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have an Aztech UM9800 external modem but I don't know how to configure it to work with FreeBSD.When my system boots I see something like "ugen0:SMElectronics Communicator bla bla", I think this is my modem ...
If anybody would like to help me configuring my modem to work with FreeBSD I would appreciate that. I HAVE READ THE HANDBOOK chapters 17 and 18 but there's nothing relevant.I've fallowed the instructions step by step but ... nothing. I cannot use ppp ... after I type "set device /dev/ugen0","set speed 115200","enable dns" and "term" it says something like ... "ugen0: no edesc"(two times), don't know why.
There is also a dial-up tool in KDE 3.0 but after I hit "Connect" the whole system doen't respond anymore and I must reboot it.
I hope my modem works with freebsd.(it certainly has drivers for linux).
Thank you !

There is an excellent article here:


Hope this helps,

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