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>       FreeBSD-
>       If i buy a UATA133 Bare Hard Drive, do i have to buy a disk controller.

Not likely, unless you're on really old or really obscure hardware.
Anything newer than the second-generation Pentium-I should have an
on-board dual-channel IDE controller built in. If you are using fairly
old hardware, though, beware that several Pentium-I BIOSes can not
support drives over 8GB, although if it was a good motherboard at the
time, your vendor may have published an upgrade. These are getting hard
to find, though. If your hardware is much newer than that, I don't think
you'll have much to worry about.

> If i have to and i buy a PCI one does in connect to the hard drive via
> jumpers

40- or 80-pin ribbon cable, yes. Jumpers on the drive control the mode
of the drive (slave, master/single drive, cable select). Assuming your
motherboard has an on-board controller, you'd connect the drive directly
to the motherboard.

> or does the mother board just connect it to the hard drive.  Also is
> there any compadibility issues with certain hard drives as far as SCSI
> and IDE go, like which type of disk controller you have to use.  And
> if i have to buy one which protocol do you reccommend, and what is a
> good compadible controller for FreeBSD?E-mail me back

SCSI is very expensive, and requires more experience to set up. SCSI is
suitable for more high-end applications. It sounds like you're just
getting your feet wet with this stuff, so I hope you aren't strapped
with the responsibility of building a heavy production server. Thus, I'd
recommend you go with IDE, for cost and simplicity.

Hope this helps,
- Ryan

  Ryan Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  SaskNow Technologies - http://www.sasknow.com
  901-1st Avenue North - Saskatoon, SK - S7K 1Y4

        Tel: 306-664-3600   Fax: 306-244-7037   Saskatoon
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