in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
wrote Drew Tomlinson thusly...
> About a year or two ago, someone posted his recipe for sorting FreeBSD
> lists.  This particular one was nice in that it extracted the list name
> from the "From" line (I think) and then created the appropriate folder
> if it didn't exist.  So freebsd-questions list items were put in the
> 'questions' folder, freebsd-stable in the 'stable' folder, and so on.  I

I use 'f-<list>' named folder.  Change the following (part of larger recipes)
as you desire...

  #  get list id
  * ^List-ID:[    ]*.*\/<[a-z]+.*>
  { list_id = "$MATCH" }

  #  identify other lists on different criteria

  #  based on $list_id, assign $list
  #  ----
  #  freebsd lists
  * list_id  ??  ()<\/[a-z]+[-.a-z]+freebsd\.org>
    #  consider -gnats-submit list same as -bugs, but not -ports-bugs
    * list_id  ??  ()(ports-bugs|cvs-ports)
    { list = f-ports }

      :0 E
      * list_id  ??  ()(gnats-submit|bugs)
      { list = f-bugs }

      #  most interesting freebsd mailing lists
      :0 E
      * MATCH  ??  ()\/(stable|ppc|cvs|mobile|questions|ports|java)
      { list = "f-${MATCH}" }

      #  dafault $list for/from any freebsd list
      :0 E
      { list = f-misc }

  #  do other things

  #  file message
  * list  ??  ^^f-[a-z]+^^

  - Parv

A programmer, budding Unix system administrator, and amateur photographer
ISO employment...

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