
First of all, I dont think I am subscribed to the list. Please send your replies directly to my email address, as I dont have time to check the list archives as often as I would like.

I have a 4.6-stable box, which seems to be running fine. I installed a PHP extension recently, which requires libc.so.6. My box currently uses libc.so.4. Two questions..

1) When I upgrade from libc.so.4 to libc.so.6, do I need to recompile anything like mail or web servers? I am running php 4.3.2, Apache 1.3, the latest stable postfix port and some other basic stuff.

2) I assume I upgrade the glib port to upgrade libc.so, right? What worries me about just "going for it" is the following info from "pkg_version -vv | grep lib":

glib-1.2.10_5                       <   needs updating (port has 1.2.10_9)
glib-1.3.1                          >   succeeds port (port has 1.2.10_9)

My last install supercedes the port. I dont remember why or how. Anyway, I am nervous about breaking something.. it has been awhile. Can someone show me the light in the way of good advise to safely move to libc.so.6 from libc.so.4 in relation to info herein? :) Thanks,


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