On Thursday, July 10, 2003, at 04:06PM, John Mills <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Freebies -
>In fact there was an editorial suggestion in a recent _eWeek_ 
>(should be [http://www.eweek.com], but I can't confirm that just now.)
>to the point that managers concerned about SCO's litigation should 
>actively test and evaluate the *BSD family, specifically mentioning 
>FreeBSD's excellent reputation for server quality.

Chad Dickerson, the CTO of InfoWorld, made that suggestion in his weblog a couple of 
weeks back (possibly that's where you saw it?): I've been at him for awhile to upgrade 
to FreeBSD. 

Paul Beard / 8040 27th Ave NE / Seattle WA 98115 /
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