Already ran newlist...

On Fri, 11 Jul 2003, Chuck Swiger wrote:

> User QUADRANT wrote:
> [ ... ]
> > Warning! You may encounter permission problems.
> > Site list is missing: mailman
> > and it exits.
> Run "newlist mailman" first.
> > I've tampered with this program for hours now,
> > trying every possible combination. How do I get
> > this friggin thing up and running?? I'm
> > running 5.1 RELEASE, but had the same problems with 4.8
> > RELEASE. I'm ready to toss my box out the FUCKING
> > window!!! Excuse my language!!!
> No problem.If you drop-test your computer, lemme know.:-)
> [ It's accurate but perhaps unhelpful to point out that the installation
> directions tell you to create this list; they don't tell you that MailMan
> refuses to run if you don't. ]
> --
> -Chuck

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