OS: FreeBSD 4.8
apache 1.3.27
modssl 2.8.14


generate a server.crt file for apache
generate a server.key file for apache
I will be my own CA 


okay I am trying to find a way to overcome this most elusive and vague
documentationt that I am finding on the modssl.org website.  I am completely
confused by the documentation at this point.


--- snip ----
4. Now you can use this CA to sign server CSR's in order to create real SSL
Certificates for use inside an Apache webserver (assuming you already have a
server.csr at hand):

$ ./sign.sh server.csr

This signs the server CSR and results in a server.crt file. 

shell# find / -name sign.sh

---- snip ---

I am wanting to be my own CA but cannot find the sign.sh file anywhere on my
system.  what are some other ways of me signing my own server.csr file?

- Noah
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