Hello all,

How an arbitrary user (without root credentials) can install ports
in own home dir?

How I tried to do this:

I created ~/local/ports, place Mk, Tools, Templates there.

I defined in .cshrc:

setenv  PORTSDIR        ~/local/ports
setenv  PREFIX          ~/local
setenv  PKG_DBDIR       ~/local/var/db

But when I install any ports I'm asked to enter root password.
This is from the bsd.port.mk:

.if ${UID} != 0 && defined(_${target:U}_SUSEQ)
        @echo "===>  Switching to root credentials for '${target}' target"
        @cd ${.CURDIR} && \
                ${SU} root -c "${MAKE} ${__softMAKEFLAGS} ${_${target:U}_SUSEQ}"
        @echo "===>  Returning to user credentials"

If I give correct root's password, then a port is installed to ~/local
and a package is registered in ~/local/var/db.


1.      Is there any way to tell ports system not to ask me root's
        password?  I guess that there should be a way to do it,
        whithout patching Mk/* files.

2.      How to tell make(1) to use ~/local/etc/make.conf file
        (use another file, than /etc/make.conf)?
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