"Derrick Ryalls" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> Using nat on my gateway to forward traffic on many ports the same=20
>> internal machine, what is the correct syntax?
>> redirect_port x.x.x.x zz zz
>> redirect_port x.x.x.x yy yy
>> redirect_port x x x x nn nn
>Copied from my natd.conf
>redirect_port   tcp      5520
>redirect_port   udp      5520
>The 5520 is the outside port number
This could be the solution I was seeking...
If I have opened, say, port 50000 for incoming ftp traffic,
would it be as simple as:

redirect_port   tcp      50000 
redirect_port   udp      50000 
If so, what do I do allow outgoing ftp traffic/packets?

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