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On Sunday, 27 July 2003 at 20:49:55 -0700, Karl Agee wrote:
> At 12:53 PM 7/28/2003 +0930, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
>> On Sunday, 27 July 2003 at 19:15:57 -0700, Karl Agee wrote:
>>> At 11:10 AM 7/27/2003 +0930, you wrote:
>>>> On Thursday, 24 July 2003 at 21:47:23 -0700, Karl Agee wrote:
>>> Laptop:  Thinkpad iSeries 1300
>>> Video:  Silicon Motion LynxEM+ chip
>>> Screen:  800x600 hpa
>>> system:  FreeBSD 4.8-RELEASE
>>> Only the vga driver works, and not very well.  Gives me only a 640x480
>>> display and the windows etc are not displayed properly (too large for the
>>> display).
>> That's a window manager issue.
> Well, both twm and windowmaker do it.........havent tried kde,
> gnome.

They'll do it too.  Nobody expects a 640x480 maximum resolution.

>>> This setup was configured using either xf86config or xf86cfg
>>> -textmode.  Using the "autodetect" selection froze the display, as
>>> does trying to setup manually using the above and the silicon motion
>>> driver.  Killing X server doesnt work, have to reboot the machine.
>> Hmm.  Anything unusual in /var/log/XFree86.0.log?  I had this recently:
>> ...
>> This was on a Dell Inspiron 5100, and it's caused by incorrect mapping
>> of the video BIOS.  It would be interesting to see if you're having a
>> similar problem.
> well, I dont see anything like that, but, now it is crashing with the same
> message.  But, it says:
> "(II) Silicon Motion(0): U2C device "I2C bus:SAA 7111A" registered at address 0x48.
> "(II) Silicon Motion(0): U2C device "I2C bus:SAA 7111A" removed.

It looks as if you have trimmed too much.  Look for lines starting
with (WW) and (EE).

> ***If unresolved symbols were reported above......(wont repeat it you know
> what the rest is I am sure)
> Fatal Server Error:
> Caught Signal 11 Server Aborting.
> that is where it crashes.

OK, so this looks similar.  Take a look in /var/run/dmesg.boot and
find a line starting with orm0.  I'd be interested to see what it
looks like.  Also check for any warnings about checksum mismatches in
the dmesg.boot.

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