On Thu, 31 Jul 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > Put the following lines in /etc/rc.conf:
> >
> > sendmail_enable="NO"
> > sendmail_submit_enable="YES"
> >
> > FreeBSD will then run a sendmail daemon listening on the loopback
> > interface for mail submission only. This sendmail process will not be
> > visible from external hosts and will not receive any mail.
> Thx,
> but this does not work. I've already tried it. Or can I tell sendmail to use
> an SMTP-server?

You can try to create the file /etc/mail/mailertable to specify which stmp
server to use for your domain, put a line in there that looks like:


Konrad Heuer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  ____            ___  _______
GWDG                           / __/______ ___ / _ )/ __/ _ \
Am Fassberg                   / _// __/ -_) -_) _  |\ \/ // /
37077 Goettingen             /_/ /_/  \__/\__/____/___/____/

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