may have already been mentioned,

Bruce Blinn, Portable Shell Programming: An Extensive Collection of 
Bourne Shell Examples

good stuff

-glenn becker

On 6 Aug 2003, Marvin J. Kosmal wrote:

> On Wed, 2003-08-06 at 14:21, Dave [Hawk-Systems] wrote:
> > For multiple reasons I am moving away from doing everything in perl/php for
> > server based tasks. Made sense at the time to do everything in the language we
> > used for the web as well, but am finding I do less web work and more server
> > admin work as time progreses, and there are some significant hits to loading
> > perl or php each time I want to move files and do other such tasks. As such I am
> > finding more and more tasks being performed in plain ol shell scripting, thousgh
> > this is still a hunt and peck type of operation fr the appropriate commands
> > etc...
> > 
> > As such, am looking for recommendations for a good guide/book or two for shell
> > programming, but most of the books seem to be specific to bash, tcsh, ksh,
> > etc... Given that there is a seperate bash shell port available, I would assume
> > that /bin/sh != bash.  I would prefer to use plain ol /bin/sh since most of the
> > core scripts scattered through the stable installs we have use it.
> > 
> > Sugestions? Amazon links?
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > Dave
> > 
> Linux and Unix Shell Programming by David Tansley
> ISBN  0-201-67472-6
> Published by Addison-Wesley
> Great book
> Cheers
> > 
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