I received the information for my dedicated FreeBSD box today from the hosting company. It's an unmanaged box which was supposed to be running 4.8 but is running 5.1 because they said 4.8 would not install (Doubtful to me, sounds like an order mix up)
I did as instructed and changed my login password to the account they set for me and the SU password. Next I found that they did a minimal install so through sysinstall I went to post install configurations and loaded in all distribution sets including ports. When this finished I installed my editor of choice, pico. In order to use pico after just installing it you must exit out from root and log in as root again. I typed exit and was back to my account prompt. For some reason I typed uname -a to see what info would show up. After looking at the output I typed su and received back "who are you?" I was surprised at the response so I typed su again, same response. Now, not knowing what to think, I said well I'll try logging in again. I'm still trying to log on! I'm locked out of the box.
I know this is rather long but I just want to make sure I didn't do anything wrong. I'm not new to FreeBSD but this really has me puzzled. Did I screw up? Did they make a faulty install? Any thoughts?

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