On Mon, Aug 11, 2003 at 07:59:28PM -0400, Matthew Graybosch wrote:

> On Mon, 2003-08-11 at 00:43, David Johnson wrote:
> > Did you delete the lp* binaries before or after you installed
> > cups? If after, then reinstall cups.
> I reinstalled both cups and gimp-print, installing the following
> ports:
> /usr/ports/print/cups
> /usr/ports/print/cups-base
> /usr/ports/print/cups-lpr
> /usr/ports/print/cups-pstoraster
> /usr/ports/print/gimp-print

You do not say what versions of the software programs you are using.
The subject line says FreeBSD-5.1 RELEASE, so I assume you are using the
ports/packages from the CD.  If that is the case, printing was broken
with cups and gimp-print at that time due to an incompatibility between
ghostscript and cups-pstoraster.  The answer is to cvsup a fresh ports
tree and install the latest versions of the ports.  If you already have
the latest versions installed then you have some other problem.

Glenn Johnson
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