> Hey I Decided To Get your Unix Based OS Because I need More of a Challeng
> I Do Have Two Questions, First Can I install FreeBSD without using Partition 
> magic

Yes.   But, it depends on how you want to do the install.   IF FreeBSD
will be the only operating system on that particular machine, then you
only need one FreeBSd slice.   Note that Partition Magic and any other
Microsloth based thing uses the word 'partition' to mean what in the 
BSD UNIX world is called a 'slice'.   So, Partition Magic should rightly
be called 'Slice Magic'. 

> Second My Floppy A 3 and 1/2 Does Not work can I right the Floppy Image On 
> to an CD rom

It is time for you to read much more of the FreeBSd documentation before 
you get started.   If you had read even enough to do the most simple
install, you would already know the answer to this question.   So, 
go to the FreeBSD web site:     http://www.freebsd.org/  and start
going through especially the FreeBSd installation portions of the
handbook and possibly other documentation and howto-s you can find
linked there and by doing Google searches, etc.   
Anyway, short answer, you download the CD ISO image and use that
to do the install from a CD.   But, get to reading.  There is a
lot to learn - a good challenge.


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